If You Ride – Do you Text and Drive? Preventing Bicycle Accidents by Putting Down the Phone

distracted driving bicycle accident attorney

You don’t have to look very far on the Internet to find a case in California where a driver was distracted by their cell phone, usually texting, and hit a bicyclist or pedestrian and either killed them or catastrophically injured them.  The California DMV has an FAQ page devoted to the Wireless Communications Device Law and Wireless Telephone Law.  A surprising truth: these began in 2009 and 2008, respectively.  As bicycle accident attorneys in San Francisco and Paso Robles, these laws are just a few of the things we stay up-to-date on for our clients because, sadly, distracted drivers are a contributor to collisions involving pedestrians and bicyclists.

According to the most recent report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving is increasing rapidly.  They estimate 660,000 drivers are using electronic devices while driving per day (nationally) which caused 3,477 deaths in 2015.  Are you one of these distracted drivers?

Think about this for a second – we are all pedestrians every day.  We walk to and from our cars at the very least, and walk more in urban areas like San Francisco, which puts you at risk from someone driving while distracted.  And if you ride a bicycle like we do (remember, we’re the attorneys who ride, too!), you’re at risk from someone veering off the road, even for a second or only by a couple of feet, but at the wrong second and colliding into you on your bike, right?  Each year, San Francisco averages about four fatalities on bicycles each year due to vehicle collisions.  Is that text message worth knowing you, a cyclist, hit or even killed another cyclist on the road for?   Not likely.

So if you are a pedestrian (which you are) or if you are a cyclist, then why would you ever be part of the problem and risk creating a pedestrian or bicycle accident that might kill someone?  Don’t be a distracted driver.  We don’t ever want to see an electronic device in your hand while you’re driving (unless you’re dialing 911 because calling an emergency service is currently allowed without a “hands-free” device).   And if you do see others driving distracted, it may be hard, but please don’t create an accident by trying to correct them.  As bicycle accident attorneys, we want you to be safe!

Rahman Law PC Sponsors Pedalfest Seventh Consecutive Year to Advocate Bicycle Safety

bicycle accident attorney advocacy pedalfestSan Francisco, CA — (ReleaseWire) — 07/20/2017 –In their continued dedication to advocacy towards reducing the number of bicycle accidents in San Francisco, Rahman Law PC announces returning sponsorship of Bike East Bay’s seventh annual Pedalfest held in Oakland at Jack London Square. Pedalfest is a festival free to all ages celebrating bicycles, cycling, family, food, and fun with live music on a pedal-powered stage. Keeping in-line with Bike East Bay’s mission of education, Pedalfest will also include opportunities for education and advocacy outreach.

Shaana Rahman, principal and founder of Rahman Law PC, is a member and frequent sponsor of Bike East Bay. The goals of Bike East Bay are advocacy, education, and community engagement. As bicycle accident attorneys in San Francisco, Rahman Law PC supports these goals as part of a mission to improve access and safety for bicycling as an integrated part of San Francisco’s transportation system. To further the advocacy of bicycle access and safety, Ms. Rahman is also a member and sponsor of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, the Marin County Bicycle Coalition, and Bike SLO County (formerly the San Luis Obispo County Bike Coalition).

Ms. Rahman has sponsored Pedalfest all seven years. She and members of the Rahman Law PC team will be participating at Pedalfest in Oakland to help raise awareness of safety through visibility and bicycle lights in particular this year. They will be offering a raffle of a Monkey Light from MonkeyLectric, a San Francisco bicycle wheel light company (http://www.monkeylectric.com). Rahman Law PC wants to help increase bicyclist visibility and talk to cyclists about other education and advocacy opportunities underway designed to decrease collisions between bicyclists and vehicles, including Vision Zero SF, the road safety policy with a mission to bring traffic deaths in San Francisco down to zero. Anyone interested in stopping by Rahman Law PC’s booth will also have the opportunity to Go Live on Facebook with them for a free messenger bag with the Rahman Law PC bicycle logo.

“We want to participate in events like Pedalfest with Bike East Bay where education and advocacy are promoted within the community because they generate a positive public image of bicyclists,” said Ms. Rahman. “Community involvement is crucial in making our streets safer to reduce bicycle collisions, which is why we believe in spending so much time advocating on behalf of bicyclists.” The bicycle accident attorneys at Rahman Law PC participate in City hearings, advocacy meetings, public events, and private speaking engagements to continue their work on making the streets safer for bicycles.

More information about Rahman Law PC’s bicycle advocacy can be found on their website at: http://www.rahmanlawsf.com/personal-injury-lawyers-practice-areas/bicycle-accident-attorney/


About Rahman Law PC

The personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC are powerful advocates for people who have been injured through no fault of their own with experience as bicycle accident attorneys.  What makes Rahman Law PC different from other personal injury lawyers is they care about what happens to their clients; they aggressively advocate for their clients’ interests and have a personal relationship with each client, taking the time to listen and figure out solutions that make sense from a legal point of view but also from a human perspective. By providing the highest quality legal services to those who have been injured or have suffered wrongdoing at the hands of other individuals, corporations, or public entities, the personal injury lawyers and trial lawyers at Rahman Law PC have a proven track record of results and have successfully recovered millions of dollars for clients throughout California. Rahman Law PC offers clients attentive service backed with big firm experience, making them ready to take on any opponent.  To learn more about the personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC, visit http://www.rahmanlawsf.com or call 415-956-9245 in San Francisco, 805-619-3108 in Paso Robles, California.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer: Tips from a San Francisco Personal Injury Law Firm

Personal Injury Lawyer San Francisco

When we’re out at community events and a passerby grabs a business card off our table, they inevitably say “I hope I never need you.” Our response is always the same: “We hope you never need us.”  It might seem weird to hear that personal injury lawyers in San Francisco actually would rather folks NOT be injured, but that’s how we roll.  And we try to channel our optimism into practical community advocacy work to help make communities safer for you. The other thing we are known for is giving honest, straight-up advice about whether you really need to hire a personal injury lawyer if you are injured in a collision.  If it’s the kind of personal injury accident case you can do on your own, we’ll tell you that and then take the time to walk you through the steps you need to take.  That’s gratis. Why?  Because it’s the right thing to do. We’re big on that.  And in big cities like San Francisco we know it’s hard to find simple, real, honest advice.   So here are a few tips to help you decide if hiring a personal injury lawyer is right for you.

  • Were you injured?

First, let’s define a “personal injury”.  Obviously, it means an injury to your person.  An injury can be physical, like a broken wrist, fractured ankle or torn ligaments, or psychological, like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or anxiety.  Often, people who have been involved in a car accident, bicycle accident, motorcycle accident or injured as a pedestrian have both physical and psychological injuries.  If you were injured, then move to question 2.  If you weren’t injured, but your property was damaged, stay tuned for the next part of our series which will take you through handling property damage claims.

  • Did someone else cause your injuries?

Were you hit by car, bus, taxi, Uber, or were you injured by someone else’s actions, like a passenger flinging their car door into traffic?

  • Did you incur damages?

Damages can be both economic like medical bills or lost wages and non-economic like the pain, suffering, anxiety and inconvenience that come with being injured.

If you answered “yes” to all 3 questions above, then the short answer is that you may have a claim against the person who injured you.  This is when it can be best to start making phone calls to get free consultations with personal injury lawyers like us in San Francisco or Paso Robles.  You may not know what damages to look for: past medical bills, medical bills for medical treatment you may need in the future, lost sick or vacation time from work, future time off from work you may need to heal from your injuries or for more medical treatment, or the type and severity of your injuries.   These are all factors to consider when deciding if you need to hire a personal injury lawyer.

For example, if you were rear-ended by another car at low speed, went home were a little sore, saw your family doctor to get checked out and two weeks later you were back to 100%, this is the kind of thing you can do on your own directly with the other driver’s insurance company.

On the other hand, if you were taken by ambulance to the hospital or have more serious or complicated injuries, this is when to consider talking to a professional.  Other deciding factors for clients in hiring a personal injury attorney include:

  • The pain and loss from the injury;
  • The financial insecurity as the medical bills stack up and income is lost;
  • The frustration when insurance companies don’t do the right thing; and
  • Wanting to have someone on their side, making sure the case is handled right from the start.

We hope we’ve given you a few things to think about but if you want our professional opinion on your case, we’re happy to talk to you, free of charge.   Just keep in mind there are time limits for filing personal injury lawsuits (statutes of limitation) so it is usually better to seek help earlier rather than later.  We like to do the heavy lifting for our clients straight away so this way they can focus on what’s really important–healing.


Share the Road this May: National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month 2017

national motorcycle safety awareness month 2017

In 2014 (the most recent year with published statistics by the California Office of Traffic Safety as of May, 2017), San Francisco County has some serious motorcycle safety awareness statistics:

379 motorcyclists killed or injured in a collision

This puts San Francisco County at 1 of 58 for the OTS ranking which is how cities measure-up to other cities of similar populations.

At Rahman Law PC, we also have an office to represent motorcycle accident clients in San Luis Obispo County.  This county ranks 29 of 58 on the OTS ranking with:

103 motorcycles killed or injured in a collision

Why are we bringing up these statistics?  Because May is National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month!  And this year we want to help raise awareness for safety to motorcycles, too!  We are motorcycle accident lawyers in San Francisco and San Luis Obispo and safety starts with awareness, just like when we advocate for bicycle safety awareness.

What Can You Do For National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month 2017?

If you ride a motorcycle or know someone who rides:

  • Get your helmet checked for age, damage, and fit – take it in to an authorized dealer.
  • Wear reflective gear and consider adding a new piece to honor National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.
  • Wear protective gear with armor and pads from head to toe.
  • Brush up your skills – Many motorcycle riding schools offer advanced riding courses.

If you are an automobile driver (4 wheels and not 2):

  • Remember to look twice – motorcycles can be harder to see in mirrors.
  • Watch turns – motorcycle blinkers often do not have automated “offs” like cars.
  • Give extra space – motorcycles can use their clutch to slow down before they brake which will not show you a brake light (until they do brake) giving you less time to stop.

Motorcycles can be a fun way to get around and in San Francisco an easier way to find parking.  If you or a loved one enjoys motorcycle riding for commuting or for cruising, be sure to share these tips for a safe National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month 2017 and let’s make every month a safer month for motorcycles and bicycles.  Until Vision Zero becomes a reality in San Francisco and hopefully San Luis Obispo, too (vision zero means zero traffic deaths and was adopted to safety policy by the City and County of San Francisco in 2014), remember that the personal injury attorneys at Rahman Law PC are here for you whether you need a motorcycle accident lawyer, bicycle accident attorney, or other personal injury counsel, contact us today.

Share the Road this May: National Bike Month 2017

National Bike Month 2017 San Francisco

Every month of our calendar year is full of so many nationally recognized days, weeks, and months that the honorable ones (the Friday before Mother’s Day is National Military Spouse Appreciation Day) get a bit diluted behind the amassment of others (I would like to know how May 3rd became National Lumpy Rug Day – seriously?).  However, May is a month near and dear to us here at Rahman Law because May is National Bike Month 2017!

See, we are more than just Paso Robles and San Francisco bicycle accident attorneys here at Rahman Law PC because we ride, too.  And we advocate, which is why National Bike Month is exciting for us.  Each Year, National Bike Month is a little different because it isn’t only about bicycle safety or bicycle commuting advocacy, it is meant to be about all things bicycle-related for children and adults, commuters and weekend-warriors.

Why National Bike Month is important:

A 2013 survey by SLOCOG in San Luis Obispo County showed only 26% of the population as uninterested in riding a bicycle (it was noted this percentage increased by age demographic), yet do you see the other 74% out there on bikes?  No.  The next 28% from the survey were interested but uncomfortable with traffic speeds and volume so they need bicycle paths and roads with wide bike lanes.  In a place more urban like San Francisco, this group will have a harder time feeling safe.  National Bike Month is about awareness for riders of all interest levels to enhance the enjoyment of riding along with the advocacy for change to make it possible for all ability levels to ride safely.

Here are some of the things going on this May in National Bike Month 2017:


There are many more events going on in your area to celebrate National Bike Month 2017; it’s just a matter of getting connected to your local bicycle advocacy and/or riding group.  You can join this community on Google+ or look for a group on Facebook or Meetup that is closer to you.  Remember to wear your helmet and be safe, then get out there are ride!

Street Safe Act 2017 for Pedestrian Accident Prevention

pedestrian accident lawyerLast month, Assemblyman David Chiu said what I’ve been saying for some time now:

Speed kills.”

(See my article titled “Speed Kills” in Plaintiff Magazine here)

But I’m sure I’m not the first to say it.  The important thing is that Assemblyman Chiu has joined forces with San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, the City and County of San Francisco, the City and County of San Jose, Walk San Francisco, and other officials and organizations to do something about it!

They have announced the Safe Streets Act of 2017.  It’s a pilot program to reduce speeding utilizing cameras.  The technique captures a photo of vehicles traveling over the speed threshold and is being used in other locations across the country.  It is known as “ASE” and claims to be proven to reduce collisions resulting in catastrophic injury or death.  The pilot program will be located in areas known for speed related in collisions.

In the press release announcing the Street Safe Act 2017, it was reported that in San Francisco, an average of 30 people are killed per year while approximately 500 more are hospitalized in traffic collisions.  It did not specify pedestrians from vehicle drivers and passengers, but we know from other studies that in 2013, 21 pedestrians were struck and killed in San Francisco.  The numbers of pedestrian accidents in San Francisco are staggering and while speed is a contributing factor in 30% of deaths caused by a traffic collision nationwide, in San Francisco in 2013, speed was the #1 cause of fatalities (sfmta.org/visionzero; SFPD Crossroads Database 2010-2014.).

So yes, speed kills.  But people keep speeding.  The ASE cameras might help make the streets safer.

This is the kind of technology that might put pedestrian accident lawyers in San Francisco and San Jose out of business you say?  We frankly hope it will!  It is part of the Vision Zero plan, a safety initiative with a two-year strategy in San Francisco for engineering, enforcement, and education with the vision that no one should die simply by trying to get around.  At Rahman Law PC, we are advocates for safer roads.  Shaana Rahman is on the Board of Walk San Francisco and we participate openly in the mission to make the streets safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchair assisted pedestrians, and even motorcyclists; all of the modes of transportation where the human is more exposed and more likely to have a catastrophic injury in an accident with a vehicle.  We are pedestrian accident lawyers to protect your rights when it’s needed and we’re excited about the Street Safe Act of 2017 because it has the potential to educate the public about road safety through enforcement which could save lives in the future.

Catastrophic Pedestrian Accident on Market Street Secures Improvements in San Francisco

Last month marked the one-year anniversary of Thu Phan’s tragic death.  She was killed while crossing Market Street at 7th in her wheelchair.  A ban on left turns onto Market Street had already been implemented to help mitigate the dangers of the intersection with an exemption covering City vehicles under certain duties.

The family became active in fighting for safety improvements after their catastrophic loss.  Thu Phan’s sister reached out to Human Streets, Walk San Francisco, and San Francisco Bay Area Families for Safe Streets.  Walk San Francisco reports that since the catastrophic pedestrian accident that took Thu Phan’s life, Walk San Francisco and their Vision Zero Coalition have worked to address the conditions that lead to her death.

As a result of these pedestrian advocacy efforts, San Francisco has now implemented:

  • Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs): walk signals to provide people crossing with a head start at six intersections along Market, including 7th;
  • More visible turn restriction signage at Market & 7th;
  • A City Administrator’s policy memo, which explicitly states that City drivers are not exempt from turn restrictions (a key factor in Thu Phan’s death);
  • A new, required driver training and education program for all City staff that specifically highlights how to drive safely around seniors and people with disabilities.

This last safety improvement deserves an extra comment.  Seniors are five times more at risk of a serious/fatal injury as pedestrians than younger adults according to information gathered by Walk San Francisco.

Here are a few more statistics that may make you realize the importance of a pedestrian accident lawyer, or a catastrophic injury attorney for when a loved one is fatally or catastrophically injured by a vehicle:

  • In 2015, 5,376 people were killed in pedestrian/motor vehicle crashes – nearly 15 people per day (NHTSA)
  • California is the state with the highest number of pedestrian fatalities (NHTSA)
  • 60% of all San Francisco’s traffic deaths are people walking – 4X the national average (Walk SF)

If you or a loved one is hit by a vehicle, know your rights and speak with a pedestrian accident lawyer in San Francisco or Paso Robles.  At Rahman Law PC, we offer personalized attention to every client in a supportive and respectful way.  We have offices in San Francisco and Paso Robles, California.

When the Worst Happens on Your Bike: Catastrophic Injury



We all like to talk about it: how to avoid the most common collisions on your bicycle, adding bicycle lanes, lights on bikes for visibility, law and regulation advocacy to prevent injuries… but all of these conversations come in the wake of something we don’t like to talk about – the catastrophic injury.  We know which collisions on a bicycle are the most common because cyclists end up in the hospital for them, and that lights save lives because people on bicycles are killed every year when the driver says they “didn’t see them.”  And so, we change the laws and regulations based on statistics of injuries and fatalities.  This is a cold, sad truth.  What if it happens to you?

Catastrophic Injury

Catastrophic injury covers a spectrum of the unthinkable: wrongful death, dismemberment, paralysis, severe brain damage, spinal cord injury, and the like.  These injuries are life changing and life ending.  This is why no one likes to talk about them.  So rather than go into those details, I’d like to talk to you about what to do if this happens in your life (to you or a loved one).

  1. Time Limits. Legal cases have time limits known as statutes of limitations.  They are different for their type of case.  It prevents someone from suing over a slip-and-fall that happened 80 years ago which would seem unreasonable.  So it is incredibly important that you start having conversations with a catastrophic injury attorney early to determine your time limits.
  2. Debt. The medical bills alone can be life changing for families.  This is actually another reason why talking to a catastrophic injury attorney early is valuable.  We can help you put a hold on those bills so that you are not being asked to pay them right now.  The payee will wait until the settlement of your case to be paid and if you’ve seen the tens-of-thousands of dollars in medical bills generated by an automobile’s collision with a bicyclist, you’ll understand what a relief that can be.  Insurance only covers so much, from either party.
  3. The Future. A catastrophic injury isn’t about replacing a damaged bicycle and fixing a dented fender.  Future lost wages, future increased medical costs, ongoing rehabilitation, loss of enjoyment of life, permanent disability coverage, and mental anguish are just a few of the considerations for the future for your and/or your family in the event of a life changing injury or wrongful death scenario. An experienced catastrophic injury attorney can help you plan, estimate, and navigate these considerations.

We’re here to help!  The experienced attorneys at Rahman Law PC are riders, too.  We understand rider safety and believe an ounce of prevention is absolutely worth a pound of cure.  However, when the unthinkable happens, we’re ready for that, too.

If you’d like more information on preventing some of the more common bicycle collisions, the following five examples from Velosurance can help you avoid the most common collisions when riding your bicycle on the road.  We are proud to be a trusted partner in their network of legal and bicycle repair shops (obviously, we’re the legal aid).

Download here: how-to-avoid-most-common-accidents-when-riding-on-the-road-handout


What to Ask When a Dog Attack Happens – Tips From a Dog Bite Attorney

dog bite attorney san franciscoThere is no doubt the adrenaline is going to be pumping through your system at full speed if you or a loved one is bit by a dog, but knowing what to do when a dog bite happens before the attack might help you find the clarity you need to better protect yourself.  There are three phases in the timeline of a dog bite: (1) the scene; (2) the first few hours after; and (3) the following weeks.

Phase 1 – The Scene of the Dog Bite

When the attack happens and someone has been bitten, the victim should come first.  If they need emergency assistance, call 911.  Secondary to that, get as much information as you can:

  • Who owns the dog (name, address, phone number)
  • Witness(es) information (if any – name, phone number)
  • The veterinarian of the dog (they’ll have important vaccine information)
  • Is the rabies vaccine current?

It’s worth noting here if you think there was any criminal activity going on when the dog bite happened (i.e. you stumbled into a dog fighting ring), you may not want to be asking questions.  Instead, get to safety and call 911.

Phase 2 – The First Few Hours After The Dog Bite

Medical care for the victim is crucial first and foremost.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) almost 1 in every 5 bites becomes infected.  Think about how often the average person brushes their dog’s teeth!  Medical care is still important even if the bite came from a dog within your own circle of family and friends and you don’t plan to seek legal counsel from a dog bite attorney.  In fact, the CDC reports most bites are from dogs that are familiar to us.  Because animal bites are prone to infection, it is often worth the trip to a local urgent care facility rather than risk the infection.  Bring the information you collected from the owner of the dog with you, especially information regarding the dog’s last rabies vaccine.  You may call the dog’s veterinarian if you need to verify the last rabies vaccine date.  The urgent care clinic may also want to know about your last Tdap vaccine, so call your primary care doctor if you don’t remember before you go, too.  Don’t let not having either of these two items prevent you from going to the urgent care – just know that these are items commonly asked about even if rabies is not suspected.  Be sure to get copies of everything from your visit, including the bill,  Even if you have not yet decided about seeking damages from the owner, a dog bite attorney will want to see it if you look into your options.   You may still be in shock if you’re the victim.  It’s ok to write down what you need and dates you’ve called about to take in with you.

Phase 3 – The Weeks Following the Dog Bite

After about a week or two following the attack, the victim will have a better idea of just how much damage (physical, emotional, and financial) has been done and may still be coming.  The initial shock should be settling by now but any deeper trauma might persist.  This is an excellent time to reach out to a dog bite attorney for a free case evaluation/consultation.

  • What have the medical costs been to date?
  • Will there be ongoing medical costs?
  • Did the victim miss any work?
  • Has the victim needed therapy or may possibly need therapy?
  • Was there any property damage (clothing, bicycle, motorcycle, etc.) due to the dog attack?
  • Is further action needed against the dog (is it vicious/dangerous)? – Remember dog owners are liable under the law; you do not need to prove the dog was vicious to have a case, but if the dog is vicious you may wish to seek further action to protect others in your community.

The attorneys at Rawman Law PC in San Francisco and Paso Robles are here to help you navigate the stressful situation of a dog bite lawsuit.  Dog bites vary in their degree of damage but the liability remains on the owner of the dog.  We’ve seen damages range from medical costs for a visit to the urgent care clinic and lost wages, to facial reconstruction surgery, to catastrophic loss-of-life claims.  Every dog bit incident is unique which means the best way to understand your options is to contact a dog bite attorney like the ones at Rahman Law PC as soon as you need assistance.


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Speed Kills: Pedestrian Collisions Can’t Be Ignored

rahman law in plaintiff magazine

The lawyers at Rahman Law are committed advocates of pedestrian rights, which means we represent pedestrians who have been hit by cars in California, particularly in urban areas on the central coast like San Francisco.  But you don’t have to be in an urban area to find yourself the victim in need of a pedestrian accident lawyerWe are all pedestrians.  Think about it: 100% of our commutes involve walking, even if it’s just to and from our car.

Yet we don’t normally associate ourselves as pedestrians and this mindset has led to a tragic “blame the victim” social stigma.  Honestly, what’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear someone was struck by a vehicle?  Right now, you’re probably wondering if they were playing Pokémon Go with their eyes glued on their smartphone and not traffic, but we shouldn’t jump to conclusions that the victim was at fault – EVER.  Both sides have a story, and in a situation where tonnage rules, the pedestrian is the one to sustain the more serious injuries.

Shaana Rahman, a pedestrian accident lawyer and the principal and founder of Rahman Law PC, was published last month in Plaintiff Magazine regarding her viewpoint as a pedestrian accident lawyer representing the family of a child hit in a crosswalk on his way to school.  The local media immediately fell to whispering about the possibility that the child was not paying enough attention to his surroundings and locals wanted to know if the boy was even in a crosswalk or had been jaywalking.  This struck Ms. Rahman as yet another case where blame was immediately thrown onto the victim falsely.  Where has our empathy for pedestrian accident victims gone?

Here is an excerpt from the magazine about her insight as a pedestrian accident lawyer in this instance:

The fact is one case in particular has stuck with me over the years and caused me to re-examine pedestrian cases. It was a case in which I represented the family of a 13-year-old child hit in a crosswalk on his way to school. The boy, hit by a young driver coming off a late shift at a Krispy Kreme, lived but suffered irreparable brain damage that left him in a persistent vegetative state. The first thing that struck me were the initial whispers in the media and from locals speculating that the child was wearing headphones, or may have been a foot or so outside the crosswalk, or perhaps darted out into the street. None of those things were true, of course, but it was interesting to witness the subtle bias we have in urban areas against pedestrians, despite the fact we are all pedestrians at some point or another. For a long time, we have had a very “blame-the-victim” mentality when it comes to pedestrian collisions.

Also, despite the clear responsibility of the driver for the collision, my clients insisted that their son wouldn’t have been hit if there had been a stop sign at the intersection, like the residents of the neighborhood had been demanding. This led me down a road of many, many public records act requests and fights with the City Attorneys’ office. The evidence I uncovered was really astounding.

You can read more about the injured boy and the case Ms. Rahman fought in her article Speed Kills: The Road to Stopping Pedestrian Fatalities Begins with the Speed Limit in July’s issue of Pedestrian Magazine here:

Plaintiff Magazine Pedestrial Accident Lawyer