E-Bike Speed and Dangers for Minors

ebike by bridge image

At Rahman Law, we want to support the use of bicycles and advocate fiercely for pedestrian and cyclist safety. Better regulations are a part of that safety. e-Bikes are new and therefore lack a solid foundation of safety regulations just yet. Unfortunately, this places minors at risk for fatal injuries due to reaching speeds that shouldn’t be accessible to them on an e-bike because while laws differ widely in different states, counties, and cities regarding e-bikes, what doesn’t differ is the universal law that speed kills.

When we look at automotive collisions with pedestrians and cyclists, we know that the risk of serious injury to a pedestrian doubles between 16 MPH and 23 MPH. Similarly, a pedestrian in a collision with a vehicle has a 10% chance of being fatally injured at 20 MPH but a 40% chance at 30 MPH. Even worse, the risk jumps to 80% at 40 MPH. With an e-bike, the rate of increase in severity of injuries is thought to follow a similar rate of increase, though studies are still in progress.

e-Bikes that may be used by minors under the age of 16 typically have a requirement not to go above 20 MPH and manufacturers largely comply with that. These are considered Class 1 and Class 2 e-bikes.  But teenagers are smart. Some e-bikes only put a speed regulation on the motor, so as soon as you pedal with the motor, you can go faster. Other e-bikes have a governor, but cutting a cable might disable it easily. There are also apps out there to help navigate around the speed limitations put on by a manufacturer. Apps are easy to use.

Many cities are creating educational campaigns to help teach parents about the risks of e-bikes for minors and of going too fast on an e-bike in general. We don’t let minors under the age of 16 drive cars capable of going at high speeds for good reason. Allowing minors to go 20+ MPH on an e-bike (which can be categorized as a ‘motor vehicle’ depending on motor size and laws in your area) poses huge risks to the rider and the public. Law enforcement may be at a disadvantage in enforcing speed laws for e-bikes when it can be hard to determine the age of a cyclist, so this is something parents must be aware of before another e-bike fatality happens to a minor.

If you have a teenager who rides an e-bike (or even rents one periodically), be sure they understand the need for safety. The includes wearing a helmet, riding at safe speeds, and staying off of the sidewalks.

If you want to do more for your community to advocate for e-bike safety, subscribe to a non-profit doing work to bring about better regulations for e-bike safety for minors and all riders, like PeopleForBikes. Part of the battle we face in advocating for e-bike safety is that bikes are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, but motor vehicles are regulated by the NHTSA and e-bikes fall into a gray area where they might be one or the other. The oversight of e-bikes is currently under review by both of these agencies which makes now a great time to make your voice heard. E-Bikes offer more people the opportunity to ride who may not be physically capable of riding a traditional pedal-powered bike, but safety for the rider and the community around them needs to come first.

Shaana Rahman Recognized as Northern California Super Lawyer for 16th Year


SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., June 30, 2024 —

Rahman Law PC announces the sixteenth year of the law firm’s principal and founder, Shaana A. Rahman, being selected as a Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney in San Francisco, California on the Northern California Super Lawyers List.   Ms. Rahman has litigated hundreds of legal cases from inception to resolution as lead trial counsel as a personal injury attorney. Her track record includes achieving numerous seven-figure settlements for her clients.  

The Super Lawyer list contains only 5% of attorneys within each region and is distinguished by rigorous criteria such as professional achievements, independent research, peer-recognition, and peer-evaluations.  Ms. Rahman was first selected as a Rising Star in 2009, a distinction reserved for just 2.5% of attorneys, before advancing to Super Lawyer status in 2012, a recognition she has continually maintained since then.

This year, Ms. Rahman was received three distinctions from Expertise.com: Best Personal Injury Lawyers in San Francisco, Best Car Accident Lawyers in San Francisco, and Best Truck Accident Lawyers in San Francisco. Ms. Rahman was recognized as one of the Top 20 Personal Injury Lawyers in San Francisco by Expertise in 2017, 2018 and once again in 2024.  Further accolades include membership in the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum; selection to the National Trial Lawyers’ Top 40 under 40 Attorney; an AV Preeminent® rating (the highest peer rating standard) from Martindale-Hubbell®, the authority in attorney reviews and ratings based on the opinions of members of the bar and the judiciary; and a Superb Avvo Rating based on client reviews of professional integrity.

Outside of representing clients as a personal injury lawyer, Ms. Rahman is a dedicated advocate for bicyclist and pedestrian safety throughout California.  She actively supports non-profit organizations like the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Walk San Francisco, and Bike SLO County; contributing through events like Bike to Work Day, Light Up the Night, and Peak2Peak.  She also shares her expertise through publications like Plaintiff Magazine and the blog on her website at rahmanlawsf.com/blog focusing on traffic safety issues affecting cyclists and pedestrians.

Reflecting on her achievements, Ms. Rahman stated: “Each day, when I see the devastating effects of street violence-on my clients, their loved ones and on my community, I recommit to advocating for safer streets and I will not stop until we eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries for cyclists and pedestrians,” said Ms. Rahman. “I am deeply honored by Super Lawyers’ recognition of these efforts and I remain steadfast in my support for local organizations dedicated to keeping roads safe for cyclists and pedestrians.”

Ms. Rahman’s enduring presence in the top 5% of Northern California lawyers for sixteen years stands as a testament to her exceptional contributions to the field of personal injury law throughout California.

About Rahman Law PC

The personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC are powerful advocates for people who have been injured through no fault of their own.  What makes Rahman Law PC different from other personal injury law firms is they care about what happens to their clients; they aggressively advocate for their clients’ interests and have a personal relationship with each client, taking the time to listen and figure out solutions that make sense from a legal point of view but also from a human perspective. By providing the highest quality legal services to those who have been injured or have suffered wrongdoing at the hands of other individuals, corporations, or public entities, the personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers at Rahman Law PC have a proven track record of results and have successfully recovered millions of dollars for clients throughout California. Rahman Law PC offers clients attentive service backed with big firm experience, making them ready to take on any opponent.  To learn more about the personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC, visit https://www.rahmanlawsf.com or call (415) 956-9245 in San Francisco, (805) 619-3108 in Paso Robles, California.

Vision Zero 2.0 in San Francisco

san francisco pedestrians at crosswalk

San Francisco was the second city in the United States to adopt a Vision Zero resolution back in 2014. The pledge was to reach zero severe and fatal traffic accidents within 10 years. Walk San Francisco, a non-profit we love supporting, advocated heavily to bring about Vision Zero in San Francisco. As of the writing of this post in May of 2024, San Francisco is already up to 13 fatalities this year. That is 13 fatalities over the goal and the year is not finished. The most recent fatality was just this month and the collision was in an area declared a “High Injury Network” by the Vision Zero plan. It’s time for Vision Zero 2.0 in San Francisco and we’re sponsoring Walk SF to help lead the way.

A Recap of Vision Zero in San Francisco

Since 2014, there have been 300 catastrophic collisions resulting in fatalities in San Francisco (there may still be some under investigation). 2022 was a record-breaking year that hadn’t been seen since 2007 with the most fatalities during the Vision Zero initiative. As we all know too well, nothing moves quickly in government settings, including the release of data. The most recent report from the San Francisco Department of Public Health in collaboration with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency and the San Francisco Police Department was published in May of 2023 (hopefully the next report will be available soon) and recapped Vision Zero at the end of 2022. In fact, the report only counted 39 fatalities for 2022 as two fatalities were still under investigation. The report looked at demographics, modes of travel, collision factors, and even time of day to look for correlations beyond the already identified High Injury Network. Pedestrians continue to be the highest group impacted by San Francisco’s unsafe streets with the most fatalities each year.

San Francisco Traffic Fatalities from 2005 to 2022

Bringing Vision Zero 2.0 to San Francisco

As we mentioned earlier, we’re sponsoring Walk SF for Vision Zero 2.0 advocacy. It’s clear the efforts made in San Francisco over these last 10 years haven’t been enough. Other cities in the United States and around the world are making similar efforts and having much higher success rates. Why not San Francisco? Red tape, delays, leadership (or lack thereof), slow data analysis, lack of funding, lack of support, and maybe even a fear of change or backlash from drivers. You can take your pick from these and many other factors that might contribute to the lack of success so far in Vision Zero.

What we’re calling for, along with Walk San Francisco, is a renewed pledge to Vision Zero as Vision Zero 2.0. Let’s learn from the inadequacies and be brave enough to examine the failures and make the tough decisions needed for success in having zero fatalities in San Francisco streets. If we take a hard look at what we’re doing in San Francisco as compared to other cities having success with their Vision Zero resolutions, we can make Vision Zero 2.0 a success in San Francisco.

San Francisco started with Quick-Build Programs for reducing catastrophic injuries and fatalities in the High Injury Network areas, but most of the projects turned out to not be very “quick.” The delays in the projects have expanded the timeline beyond the 10-year goal. If we renew our pledge with Vision Zero 2.0 in San Francisco, we believe we can be successful. We need to move beyond the “quick” Band-Aids and address the root of what could be called a disease for San Francisco as more people have been killed in collisions so far this year than by homicide. Looking at New York, who also started Vision Zero in 2014 like San Francisco, banning right turns on red lights, reducing speeds, and adding more speed cameras to aid the Police with enforcement did show a significant drop in pedestrian deaths. We know banning right turns on red lights isn’t a small ask, but perhaps what we need to ask isn’t “can this be a quick fix,” but instead ask, “is this a necessary fix?” When lives continue to be lost, we want to look at necessary interventions, even ones that may not be so popular with drivers like ending right turns on red lights. San Francisco needs to be safe and end collision-related fatalities more than it needs to get you to work on time when you got out the door late.

How You Can Help Make Vision Zero 2.0 a Reality

Start with a visit to Walk San Francisco’s Vision Zero Campaign page. On the right, you’ll see a menu of resolutions by district. You’ll be able to quickly and easily send a letter to your district’s Supervisor thanking them for supporting Vision Zero and asking them to renew their efforts. Let them know why safe streets matter to you.

Next, we need a plan of action from City and Government Leaders. S.B. 961 just passed at the State Senate and is going to the Assembly. Bills like this that target the root of the problem, like speeding drivers in this case, are going to be necessary as part of a plan of action. Do your part and VOTE for action items like S.B. 961 when they become available for a vote. And when they start working their way through the government, send letters of support to your leaders and ask for their support in making positive changes that will save lives. If you don’t know what’s coming up in government that might save lives for people in San Francisco, check out the news page from Walk SF. They will frequently post not only what’s coming but whom to contact with your support or request for change. They also frequently have something posted on their Take Action page.

What is S.B. 961?

SB 961 would require all cars and trucks manufactured or sold in California starting in 2027 (except emergency vehicles) to have ‘Intelligent Speed Assistance’ technology. All new vehicles in Europe will have this starting this summer. SB 961 would require audio and visual warnings to the driver when the vehicle is being operated in excess of 10 MPH over the speed limit.
If passed, SB 961 would bring needed safety technology into the vehicle fleet in California and likely our entire country, just like when seat belt laws started at the state level.

If you or a loved one have been in a traffic collision with injuries, know that we’re not only advocating for change, but we’re also personal injury attorneys in San Francisco ready to help fight for your rights. Consultations are free.

Is Riding a Bike on the Sidewalk Safe or Even Legal?

In California, someone riding a bicycle may move out of the bicycle lane when “reasonably necessary” to avoid hazardous conditions, even if they are moving slower than traffic (Cal. Veh. Code § 21208).  When vehicle traffic is heavy and few pedestrians are in sight, it might be tempting to ride on the sidewalk to avoid road hazards, but as personal injury attorneys here in California, we want to share a few thoughts about riding a bike on the sidewalk.  Ask yourself if it’s really safe to ride a bike on the sidewalk?  Or, for that matter, if its even legal where you are?

Safety Considerations

Too often, cyclists are hit and killed by vehicles and California is in the top three states for pedestrian and cyclist fatalities due to collisions.  Speed is often a contributing factor, but most fatalities from a collision involving a cyclist occur in urban areas.  The reality is that many cyclists are not seen by drivers until it is too late.  Riding on a sidewalk where the driver of a vehicle isn’t expecting you may mean they are not looking for you.  If a car is backing out of a driveway, they might be looking for coming traffic on the road without looking for a bike coming down the sidewalk.  Trucks coming in and out of alleys making deliveries are also a high-risk factor for a cyclist on a sidewalk as the buildings along the alley may block their view of you on the sidewalk.  Being seen is vital for cyclists.  Nearly 25% of bicyclist fatalities in California happen at intersections. 

Additionally, sidewalks don’t have the same advantages of maneuverability as the roadways.  Even if there’s a bike lane, a cyclist can enter the vehicle travel lane(s) as needed to avoid hazards.  Trees and landscaping, uneven surfaces, benches, mailboxes, and other things take up a lot of real estate on the sidewalk, and can create unexpected obstacles with little room to avoid them.

Pedestrians also don’t anticipate faster moving bicycles or scooters and combined with the limited space a sidewalk provides can lead to devastating collisions with those on foot.  

Legal Considerations

Local governments in California are allowed to make their own regulations when it comes to the use of bikes, skates, and scooters on sidewalks.  For example, in San Francisco, children under the age of 13 may ride a bike on the sidewalk (unless otherwise posted) per the San Francisco Transportation Code, Section 1007.  In San Luis Obispo, California, the Municipal Code Section 10.72.100 restricts all people from riding a bike on the sidewalk.  However, the City of San Luis Obispo has re-opened discussions within the Active Transportation Committee on allowing bikes to ride on the sidewalk, believing ticketing cyclists for riding on the sidewalk to be a deterrent from riding as a way of commuting.  San Luis Obispo has set a goal of raising the share of commuter trips by bike to 20% by the year 2030 and is actively implementing new safety measures and bike lanes for that purpose.  San Francisco is also working diligently to make the streets safer for cyclists.  As a result, it would be best to keep an eye on the regulations and policies in these and other cities in California for the legal implications of riding a bike on the sidewalk.

Children Riding Bikes on the Sidewalk

Many children learn to ride a bike on two wheels in a driveway or residential area with minimal vehicle traffic.  They will also likely have parental/guardian supervision while learning to balance and pedal.  As children become more comfortable riding on their own, they may be hesitant to ride in the street, which is understandable as cars are much bigger and faster than a child on a bike.  In some areas in California, like San Francisco, it may be legal for a child to ride their bike on the sidewalk, but the same safety considerations that we outlined above apply to children, too.  Even in a residential area, there will be cars going in and out of driveways.  Parked cars, trees, and other objects may limit the visibility of the sidewalk to a driver as they navigate a driveway and children can be even harder to see as they are not as tall on a bicycle as an adult.  And keep in mind, most fatal collisions with a bicycle happen between 6:00 and 9:00 PM, which may be when people are returning home from work and children may be out riding in their neighborhood.  Children may also be tempted to use the sidewalk when the commute on a bike going to and from school as they may think the route is safer or more familiar, but they will then face the same challenges as an adult riding a bike on the sidewalk with limited maneuverability, reduced visibility at intersections, and increased hazards. 

Sadly, children under 14 make up 37% of all fatal bicycle collisions each year and one of the hardest things we ever have to do as bicycle accident attorneys is represent the family of a child who lost their life while riding a bike. 

Be sure to talk to your children about the safety considerations of where they ride, even if it is legal in your area for them to use the sidewalk on a bike. 

If you or a loved one has been injured while riding a bike, contact us today for a free consultation. 

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Pitfalls of Rideshare Service Apps

When it comes to rideshare apps like Uber and Lyft the benefits to using them as a passenger may seem pretty obvious: a ride home when you’re too tired to drive; a lift to get you closer to your destination when a parking lot is full; a shuttle between a train station or airport and a hotel when you’re traveling… Unfortunately, these idealized use cases tend to blind many riders to the pitfalls and risks behind using a rideshare service.

In most cases, the rider doesn’t experience a problem, so we continue to believe these Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) are safe, or a “safer” alternative to driving yourself. There are other factors that contribute to our perception of these services as safe, and one of the biggest is the suppression of information from the rideshare companies themselves. 

Let’s examine some of the most common pitfalls of rideshare service apps and what might make you think twice about deeming them as safe.

  1. You’re putting your safety into the hands of an average driver. This driver is an independent contractor who has most likely not completed any additional driver training to ensure rules of the road are followed and that you remain as safe as possible.  The driver could be aggressive, show signs of road rage, or simply be too distracted by the app on their phone telling them about their next pickup opportunity.  Typically, someone who is a professional driver has undergone additional training that highlights the differences between just getting in your car to run to the store and driving in a commercial setting. 
  2. The driver isn’t usually being paid fairly.  When all of the time and costs to operate are taken into account, many drivers say they earn less than minimum wage.  So if you feel like they’re in a rush to drop you off to go get the next rider, it’s probably true.  The drivers need to maximize their earnings which leads many to speed.  And we say this one all the time: speed kills.  The State tried to protect drivers by making them employees, but Proposition 22 (which was sponsored by Uber) reversed that.
  3. You have no control in-the-moment.  We have a team member with a service animal.  Although the rideshare services all have a policy that service animals are allowed provided that they, too, abide by the rules (which a real service animal will without any issues), the driver can still prevent you from entering their car for any reason by simply locking their doors and driving off.  She waited at a train station in Los Angeles where not one, not two, but three drivers refused her with her service animal.    Or they may pick you up and not take you to your destination.  They are behind the wheel and you lose your control. You can complain to the TNC, but that doesn’t mean anything will come of it, despite the fact that they have records of which drivers responded to your request in the rideshare app.  Yet another pitfall of rideshare apps.
  4. More traffic and impact on the environment.  Studies have been conducted and there is a statistically significant increase in traffic congestion brought on from these rideshare service apps – as much as 13.4% in San Francisco County.  This is also what leads many to believe rideshare is the root to the current rise in traffic fatalities.

These are just some of the many pitfalls of rideshare apps.  Unfortunately, there isn’t enough data made public due to gag orders placed on lawsuits and settlements from these service providers to accurately represent the odds of something going wrong the next time you use an app to hail a ride from a TNC.  If you’ve been hurt while using a rideshare, or involved in a collision with a rideshare service driver, you may already be aware of these pitfalls and the uncertainty in identifying the party(ies) responsible. 

As rideshare accident attorneys in California, we can help.  Consultations are free. 

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Cyclist Accidents – Personal Injury Lawsuit FAQs

We take our work in the bike community seriously and we are always here to talk to cyclists and answer questions about what to do if you’ve been injured or had your bicycle damaged in a car crash.   Sometimes, we just help cyclists navigate a claim on their own with an insurance company (you can download our free toolkit to help you with your property damage demand to get the insurance company to pay for your bike here), but sometimes having a lawyer in your corner is the best option.  Here are answers to some of the questions we get asked most often.

Is there a statute of limitations on a personal injury lawsuit?

Yes.  Generally, in California, you have two years from the date you were injured to file a lawsuit.  However, there are some types of personal injury cases like those involving public buses (MUNI or SamTrans), trains, or other transit (BART) that have much shorter deadline to file a lawsuit, and require a claim to be filed first within 6 months of an injury, before a lawsuit can be filed.  If you’ve been in a bike crash it can give you piece of mind to call us as soon as you can to get the information that applies to your specific facts. 

Should I get a  police report if I’m hit by a car?

In an ideal world, police officers will automatically prepare a police report in every traffic collision.  Sadly, it is not a perfect world.  If police are sent to the scene of a collision and are told no one was injured, most officers will not do a report.  If the call to 911 says no one was injured, the police will usually not be sent to the scene either. Understandably, cyclists just hit by a vehicle are often in shock and do not understand if they are actually injured.  It’s important to try to take a moment to assess not only if you feel pain but if you just don’t feel right, you should request an ambulance.  If the police won’t do a report, if possible to gather as much information as possible at the scene like names of witnesses, the license plate number of the vehicle that hit you, the name of the driver and insurance information. If you’re able pull out your phone and snap a quick picture of their insurance card and driver’s registration as these two documents will have a lot of the information you need You can also go to the nearest police department and file a counter report.

Can I recover lost wages?

Yes.  If you missed work as a result of your injury, even just the day of the accident, it is possible to recover lost wages.  This is actually quite common in a bicycle accident resulting in an injury.  There may be time spent in a hospital, time recovering at home, or frequent doctor visits that force you to step away from work.  Be sure to keep track of the hours you miss as a result of your injury.

Can I recover medical expenses?

Yes.  If you were injured as a result of a cycling accident, you are entitled to all past and future medical expenses, even if your health insurance company paid for those expenses. Your health insurance provider may cover your medical bills initially, but be sure to keep records of your visits and co-pays If you were injured, the first thing you will want to do is seek medical attention.  It is so important to take care of yourself.  Many people feel confused about if they should or shouldn’t go to the doctor after an accident.  If you’re hurting or are worried about a potential injury like a concussion, seek help.

Can I recover the cost of my bicycle and helmet?  What about a broken phone?

Yes.  If you have been in an accident while riding your bicycle and as a result your helmet, bike or other personal property, like your phone, gets damaged, you are entitled to be reimbursed for these expenses.  If you were not injured but had your property damaged, take a look at our free toolkit on writing a property damage demand letter to the insurance company.  If you get stuck, give us a call. 

Do I need a lawyer if I’m injured?

We get this question a lot.  Here’s our best answer – there are some cases where we feel that having a lawyer just won’t add value to your case—meaning you would do better handling it on your own.  There are other cases where we believe we can really help you.  But more importantly we will have a long conversation with you and discuss what is right for you. We never look at whether a case is “big enough” or “small enough”, we take each person who calls us as a unique situation and try to find a solution that makes sense.

How much does a personal injury lawsuit consultation cost?

Our personal injury lawsuit consultations are free.  You can contact us here to get started or call us at either our San Francisco office at (415) 956-9245, or at our Paso Robles office at (805) 619-3108.

What if I got hurt because of road conditions and not a collision with a car?

We handle many cases that involve dangerous roads poorly maintained or designed by cities, counties or the State.  These cases are very complex and because of that, it’s important to contact us as soon as possible so that evidence can be preserved.

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New Year, New Law for Pedestrians

Pedestrians are safest in crosswalks.  However, crossing the street outside of a marked crosswalk is still something pedestrians do and is commonly known as jaywalking–crossing between adjacent intersections controlled by traffic signal devices or law enforcement where there is no crosswalk.  California law has historically prohibited jaywalking allowing police officers to issue citations for a moving violation to pedestrians carrying a fine of up to $250.00. (California Vehicle Code section 21955). 

Unfortunately, California has seen an inequitable number of jaywalking fines going to minority groups, which is part of what started the momentum behind the “Freedom to Walk” act signed in by Governor Gavin Newsom.  Phil Ting, a San Francisco assembly member helped write the legislation along with fellow assembly member Laura Friedman of Glendale.  Mr. Ting commented that “minority groups don’t need to be harassed by law enforcement.” Data from the California Racial Identity Profiling Act shows that Black people in San Diego are 4.3 times as likely to be cited for jaywalking as white pedestrians and 3.7 times as likely to be cited by the Los Angeles Police Department. Effective since January 1, 2023, the new law restricts police officers from stopping pedestrians for jaywalking unless “a reasonable person would realize there is an immediate danger of collision with a moving vehicle or other device moving exclusively by human power” (which would be something like a bicycle). The new act, AB-2147,  also applies to pedestrians walking against a traffic light or pedestrians not walking closest to the left side of the road. 

The key here is “reasonable person.”  A police officer may still issue a ticket to a pedestrian that violates the laws that apply to pedestrians if they believe you are going to cause a collision. 

AB-2147 was enacted to rectify the disparity of the imposition of monetary fines on minority groups and the targeting of individuals for minor infractions of the law.  The changes to the law decriminalizes jaywalking and the law now can’t be used as a pretext to detain someone. But, there are still laws on the books that require pedestrians to use crosswalks, obey traffic signals and other basic traffic laws.  The sad fact is that even when pedestrians follow safe practices for walking and crossing the street, including using crosswalks and obeying traffic signals, pedestrian fatalities in the U.S. are high.  2022 was a record-breaking year for pedestrian fatalities with an estimated 7,485 pedestrian deaths in the United States, the most in four decades.   San Francisco saw 13 pedestrians killed in 2021, and on average more than 500 are severely injured each year.   So while we support the goal behind AB-2147 to end targeting of racial minorities and low-income communities, we believe that whenever or wherever you are walking you need do whatever you can to stay safe and stay visible to cars.   We support Vision Zero and we won’t stop advocating for pedestrian safety until we see ZERO pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities each year.

If you or a loved one wishes to speak with a pedestrian accident lawyer in California, please contact us.  Consultations are free.  We have offices in San Francisco and Paso Robles, California.

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Shaana Rahman Honored by Super Lawyers for 14th Year as a San Francisco Personal Injury Attorney


SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 05, 2022  —

Rahman Law PC announces the fourteenth year of the law firm’s principal and founder, Shaana A. Rahman, being selected as a Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney in San Francisco, California on the Northern California Super Lawyers List.   Ms. Rahman is a personal injury attorney at Rahman Law PC, with offices in San Francisco and Paso Robles, California.

The Super Lawyer list contains only 5% of attorneys within each region.  The Super Lawyers rating is based on professional achievements, independent research, peer-recognition, and peer-evaluations.  Ms. Rahman was first selected as a Rising Star in 2009, a list in which only 2.5% of attorneys are selected, then beginning in 2012, she was selected as a Super Lawyer, an honor she continues to hold.

Ms. Rahman is an advocate for bicyclist and pedestrian safety concerns in her communities of San Francisco and Paso Robles on California’s Central Coast.  She is a member and/or sponsor of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Walk San Francisco, and San Luis Obispo County Bike Coalition and volunteers with these organizations when she can.  And in addition to published works in publications such as Plaintiff Magazine, Ms. Rahman also maintains a blog on her website to raise further awareness of personal injury issues in her communities. 

“I have dedicated the last 20 years of my career to representing pedestrians and cyclists who have been injured by traffic violence.  I am, of course, honored to again be recognized by Super Lawyers, but I remain humbled by my many wonderful clients, and the strength and perseverance they exhibit on a daily basis as they navigate through their physical recoveries and personal loss.” said Ms. Rahman, “  I will continue to advocate for pedestrians and cyclists and hope that my work can, in some small way, bring us closer to meeting the goals of Vision Zero—eliminating all traffic fatalities and severe injuries.”

Ms. Rahman is not new to being recognized for her achievements.  She was rated as one of the Top 20 Personal Injury Lawyers in San Francisco by Expertise in 2017 and 2018; is a member of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum; was recognized as a Top 40 under 40 Attorney by The National Trial Lawyers; received Martindale-Hubbell’s AV Preeminent® (the Highest Level of Professional Excellence) peer review rating based on the opinions of members of the bar and the judiciary; and holds Avvo’s Rating of Superb as a Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney by client reviews.

Ms. Rahman was selected as the top 5% in her area through independent research and peer evaluations.  To remain within the top 5% as a Super Lawyer for fourteen years is an accomplishment to be proud of for any personal injury attorney in San Francisco, California, or the nation. 

About Rahman Law PC

The personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC are powerful advocates for people who have been injured through no fault of their own.  What makes Rahman Law PC different from other personal injury law firms is they care about what happens to their clients; they aggressively advocate for their clients’ interests and have a personal relationship with each client, taking the time to listen and figure out solutions that make sense from a legal point of view but also from a human perspective. By providing the highest quality legal services to those who have been injured or have suffered wrongdoing at the hands of other individuals, corporations, or public entities, the personal injury attorneys and trial lawyers at Rahman Law PC have a proven track record of results and have successfully recovered millions of dollars for clients throughout California. Rahman Law PC offers clients attentive service backed with big firm experience, making them ready to take on any opponent.  To learn more about the personal injury lawyers at Rahman Law PC, visit https://www.rahmanlawsf.com or call (415) 956-9245 in San Francisco, (805) 619-3108 in Paso Robles, California.


New Fees for Renting a Car in California

Here in our blog, we try to provide as much information as we can on updates to laws and ordinances in California to keep you safe.  As personal injury attorneys, that information generally relates to pedestrian and bicyclist safety, but we’ve talked about schoolyard bullying and safety for your kids as well as e-scooter rental policies and defective products.  Today we want to talk to you about rental cars and some new legislation already in effect and what it might mean for you if you get into an accident with a rental car.

Assembly Bill 901

Assembly Bill 901 makes modifications to rental passenger vehicle transactions, namely fees. 

Rental car companies can now add a fee to your rental if you let an unauthorized driver drive your car.  This means renters must take extra caution and add all drivers who might drive the car to the rental agreement at the time of renting.  There are exceptions to the penalty for family members like a spouse, parent, or sibling, but be cautious about letting someone not on the rental agreement drive your rental car.  Not being on the rental agreement can also mean this other driver is not covered by insurance.

Rental car companies can also raise the cap on damage waivers to $25 per day or partial day for small vehicles and beginning in January 2023, the cap can be adjusted “according to the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers.”  And while many may believe the optional insurance of a rental vehicle to be optional, and want to take the newly-more-expensive damage waiver, there are new disclosures that must be outlined to the renter to make sure they are aware they are liable for damages that can reach the full value of the vehicle (just in damage to that vehicle, not including damages to other people and/or vehicles).  Check with your car insurance company to find out if they cover rental cars and how much of the damages they cover if so, before you plan to take the damage waiver. 

Assembly Bill 901 was produced by the American Car Rental Association, Avis, Enterprise, and Hertz, alongside the California Travel Association and the state’s Teamsters union.  It was introduced in 2021 while rental car companies were struggling due to the COVID-19 pandemic and went into effect on January 1, 2022.  Read Assembly Bill 901 here.

What This Means if You Get into an Accident with a Rental Car

Collisions happen.  It’s an unfortunate truth.  And collisions can happen with rental cars.  If you are a driver, pedestrian, or cyclist and you get into an accident with someone driving a rental car, first check for injuries and call 911 if needed, then get as much information from the driver as you can at the time of the collision.  You’ll want to get both their renal agreement insurance and their personal driving insurance information because you may have to navigate through claims with one or both.  There is a chance that they are not insured through their rental agreement, are not an authorized driver, or are underinsured.  Take a picture with your phone of their rental documents for a fast way to save the information.  Make sure you get their name and phone number, too. 

If you have damages such as vehicle or bicycle damage, or have injuries needing medical care resulting in loss of income (those are damages, too), contact the lawyers at Rahman Law.  We are here to help you.  Navigating through insurance companies’ paperwork is a tough job (especially if there are 2 companies involved) and you don’t have to do it alone. 

Request a free consultation here, or save our number into your phone: 415-956-9245. 

Bike Month Activities for the Whole Family! 

National Bike Month is here and we want to celebrate!  A lot of what we post relates to rules of the road, laws and ordinances, and safety, but today we’re going to talk about all the fun ways to celebrate National Bike Month with bike activities that can be enjoyed by the whole family. 

Plan a Ride with a Local Group

Ever city has cyclist riding groups, sometimes you just have to look for them.  And most of them offer rides for varying degrees of skill.  Some groups post their rides on the website and app Meetup (https://www.meetup.com) where you can find others to ride with for free.  In San Francisco, there is the San Francisco Cycling Club (http://www.sfcyclingclub.org) and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (https://sfbike.org) that frequently post scheduled rides.  You can also talk to the Coalition as they may know other groups with organized rides.  In Paso Robles, there is a list of groups that ride at Cycle Central Coast (https://www.cyclecentralcoast.com/resources) including a group that goes out every Sunday from Templeton and they frequently have beginner rides.  You can also talk to Bike SLO County (https://bikeslocounty.org) to find other organized rides and events. 

Tune Up Your Bike

A lot of riders are “fair weather riders” and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  If you put your bike away for the winter, and even if you don’t, the spring is a great time to get a tune up on your bike.  You can tune it up yourself if you’ve got experience, or take it into a local bike shop for some help.  In San Francisco and San Luis Obispo, there is the Bike Kitchen (http://bikekitchen.org and https://bikeslocounty.org/programs/kitchen) available on select nights where you can bring your bike in and tune it up alongside other cyclists.  This can be a great bike activity to make new friends and riding buddies. 

Introduce Your Kids to Riding with Others

Many kids have a bike and ride around on their own street but don’t go much further.  This month is a great time to introduce your kids to an organized ride.  Talk to other parents and plan to have adults front, middle, and back of a few kids riding together in a quiet area.  There are bike trails to keep them away from traffic completely, or you can make this a time to learn the rules of the road by finding a route with minimal traffic and wide bike lanes to give them room.  Remember to ride single-file and obey traffic ordinances like red lights and stop signs.  Both the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition and Bike SLO County organize riding events for kids, so be sure to check their calendars and see if there is an event you’d like to bring your kids to: https://sfbike.org and https://bikeslocounty.org.

Set Up an Obstacle Course

This bike activity can be fun for the whole family or you can arrange it for adults with a few modifications to the difficulty levels.  Break out some sidewalk chalk on a street or set up cones (sometimes you can find small cones at the $5 and under stores or at sporting-goods stores).  You can make it exciting with a few water balloons on the ground you have to ride over to pop or use a pool noodle to create a limbo pole.  You can set up tight curves or even really thin lines to make a sort of on-the-ground balance beam to help work on precision riding. 

Ride to Geocache Locations

Have you ever gone Geocaching?  It can be a lot of fun and even a little bit addictive.  There are even Geocaches in hard-to-reach places like bike trails that normal Geocachers can’t get to, which makes this an excellent activity for cyclists.  What is it, you ask?  It’s a game where you use GPS coordinates (and your phone) to guide you to hidden compartments that contain a log book for you to sign and sometimes an object for you to trade with.  Always bring a pen with you to sign the log book as some compartments are too tiny to hold a pen.  For objects to trade, think small: a friendship bracelet, charm, keychain, or small plastic toy can all be Geocache treasures to trade for what you find in the compartment, if it has something for you to trade with.  Learn more here: https://www.geocaching.com/play.

Ride to Rewards

If Geocaching isn’t your idea of a treasure hunt, think of something worth riding for, like ice cream or a fancy doughnut.  Call up some friends or grab your family and ride to a local boutique with your favorite treat.  Afterall, it’s National Bike Month and that’s something worth celebrating with ice cream! 

Make it a Game

If you’ve got a group of kids, there are lots of great bike activity games out there you can play.  You can play music and all riders must freeze when it stops, or cycle in a line and play copy-cat with the leader of the line.  There are 20 games outlined in this PDF we found: https://www.cyklistforbundet.dk/media/mksfflaz/cykellege_bog_engelsk_4.pdf

Whatever you do, have fun!  We like to think ever month is bike month, but really, May is our National Bike Month and it’s time to get your bike prepped and go out there are ride!