Bike on Bike Etiquette

Everyday we fight our way through these City streets, avoiding potholes big enough to qualify as the black hole, pedestrians who meander aimlessly through our bike lanes, and the ubiquitous MUNI bus slaloming down the rode. One danger we shouldn’t have to contend with are other cyclists. We’re all part of the same team, people. So when you see a fellow cyclist making a left-turn, slow down or maybe even stop, if they have the right-of-way. No need for collision course mentality out there. Life doesn’t have to be a series of petty torments so let’s achieve Peace on Bikes…

SFBC Celebrates PRIDE

SF Bicycle Coalition LGBTQ Meet & Mingle

Mon., Jun. 21 | 6-8pm | Duboce Park Cafe, 2 Sanchez St (at Duboce)

Start the Pride party early this year at this casual happy hour to raise a glass with other LGBTQ bike lovers and support the SF Bicycle Coalition’s work to make better biking conditions in our city!

The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is proud to boast a large and diverse membership, and we want to bring our LGBTQ community together to meet and mingle and support big changes to bicycling in San Francisco. Duboce Park Cafe is generously donating 10% of profits from the party to the SF Bicycle Coalition. Both members and non-members alike are encouraged to come with both friends, partners, kids, or just bring yourself and meet other amazing LGBTQ folks working to make our City better.

No need to RSVP, just stop by for some fun on your way home from work and show your support. Complimentary bike valet provided.

Stop Signs. Why we love them.

attorney advocate for bike safety

We all know there is a certain freedom to riding your bike. Let’s face it, you’re one with the elements and unencumbered by the confines of the coffin like nature of your car. It’s great to be outside, soaking in the sun, feeling the wind in your face. Some days, the very experience of being out on your bike, whizzing by cars, is enough to make you feel invincible.

And we all know stopping at stop signs interrupts the blissfulness of biking. The problem is, stop signs are a necessary evil. They protect us from cars. They also show drivers that we are just like them–lawful citizens, just trying to get from point A to point B. They allow drivers to see us and then avoid hitting us!

When you ask drivers in this City what their real gripe is about cyclists, almost uniformly the response is–they’re unpredictable, they don’t follow basic traffic rules. Many cyclists disregard this response but the truth is in order to make our City sustainable and, more importantly, safe, for cyclists, cyclists and drivers have to have a mutual respect for each others space. Think of it as consensus building or a call to build a bike safe city together. So the next time you come to a stop sign, when you stop, you can congratulate yourself on being an ambassador for bike safety. It’s an unpaid, and sometimes thankless job, but needed.

Moped Gang Overtakes the City Streets

Even on a boring Monday night, a stroll through this City will have you stumbling upon something that you a) have never seen before, b) find amusing or c) a bit of both. The monotony of this particular Monday night was broken up by spotting a gang, (really a group of hipsters in close to matching urban “gear”) all riding, in traditional Harley riding fashion, what appeared to be seriously old-timey mopeds through the Mission. The scene was completed by the sound of the revving of these two-wheeled munchkins for maximum effect. As they blew by the traffic, in formation, (it was Valencia so traffic was at its max. at 2mph) drivers and pedestrians alike stopped to stare. So the question becomes–is the Moped the new Vespa?

Summer in the City

It’s been awhile since there’s been a post here and it’s time to change all of that. It is officially summer in this City as summer announces herself here like the wicked stepmother she is. One sunny day, followed by a string of miserable, windy, gloominess. It’s all just a lead up to the few weeks of Indian summer in September…

The idea of summer when you’re a kid is so intoxicating that you just can’t sit still and wait for its arrival. Once it hits and school is out, summer whizzes by as you rush from one thing to another. “Adult summer” is a different story to those of us stuck in an office all day, eagerly awaiting the weekend when we can cram in a week’s worth of summer fun into two days. Not nearly enough time. Does being a grownup mean you have to give up the fun of summer by making a “to-do” list of fun? That might not be the worst thing ever but what’s going to be on that list this summer????

SF Bike Plan Update

Today on the Board of supervisors agenda was the review of the Bike Plans Environmental Impact Review. Today’s meeting wasn’t to discuss if the Bike Plan is good or bad for San Francisco, it was to discuss whether the EIR was adequate in it’s review. The meeting was held and it was decided that the EIR was through and adequate. Now that the study has been approved it’s time for the City Attorney to head over to the judge overseeing the case and have him lift the injunction.

Read up on the bike plan here and here.

Stay safe!

Muni Collision on Market Street Cause for Concern?

The Muni shuttles millions of San Francisco residents everyday. These passengers rely on Muni to get the from point A to B in a safe, efficient manner. Recently though Muni has had two accidents that left passengers injured and has created pressure on Muni to reevaluate its measures to keeps passengers safe.

Mayor Gavin Newsom insists that the Muni is safe, “It is safe to ride Muni,” Newsom maintained, but he acknowledged, “It has been a very frustrating few weeks.”

Many news outlets have covered these Muni accidents, the first on July 18th injured 42 people when a lightrail operator blacked out causing a collision is the West Portal Station, the second occurred on August 3rd and according to eyewitnesses the Operator was distractedly engaging in conversation with a passenger. Good coverage can be found at SFappeal and KTUV.

So should people be concerned about riding Muni? Read the above links articles and ponder the question. Get back to us with your opinions!