Bike Safety and the Law

Rahman Gramly LLP’s very own Shaana Rahman, gave her expertise about riding visibly on city streets. Without giving too much away, the article focuses on how cars perceive cyclists, how that prerception leads to motor v. bicycle crashes and what to do to remain visible while riding.

Car Free Market Street?

Market Street, San Francisco’s main thoroughfare is the center of a car-free study. city Supervisors and the San Francisco County Transportation Authority agreed Tuesday to a comprehensive study of whether to restrict cars on the downtown section of Market Street.
Initially advocated by Supervisor Chris Daly, a car free Market street met some resistant from business owners and advocates of car first policies.

Cyclists Beware….

Cyclists beware: Market/Octavia Intersection is a Potential Death Trap, was the title of a January 25th Fog City Journal article by Luke Thomas.

Highlighting a false sense of security created by the small median between the bike lane and the traffic lane.

Bikers get breaks in Stimulus Package!

The Bicycle Commuter Act gives companies a $20 tax credit each month for every employee that rides to work! This act went into effect Jan 1st, so ask you employer about! The more co-workers you can get to gear up and ride to work the more your company will save.

Potential Removal of Market and Octavia BIke Lane

You read the title correctly, SFMTA is proposing to remove a short section of the Market Street bike lane where it intersects with Octavia Blvd. Since the 2006 opening of the Freeway ramp there have been 16 car/cyclists collisions. Read more about the removal here.

Safe Bicycling in San Francisco

The San Francisco Bicycle Coalition is a 10,000 member strong organization that represents cyclists in the San Francisco. Encouraging safe cycling, the SFBC has many resources concerning safety and security. One of the resources is Urban Bike Training.

Taught by longtime bicycle advocate, Burt Hill, the Urban Bike Training course is a two day course offered for free here in San Francisco.

Brooklyn Bike Lanes

The New York Department of Transportation has been working hard over the years to make New York City greener. Some attempts haven’t worked, while others have had resounding success.

The latest green initiative, aptly called The Brooklyn Greenway Initiative, is a local project that aims to install a 14 mile bicycle and pedestrian friendly path.

Dangerous North Beach Intersection…Yikes!

Thanks to neighborhood safety advocate, Richard Sheldon, North Beach might become a little bit safer.

The intersection of Pacific Ave and Columbus Ave has been flagged by Sheldon and the Municipal Transportation Authority as on of the more dangerous intersections in North Beach because of Southbound Pacific Ave traffic confusing Kearney Street with Columbus Ave.

Kids and Bike Safety

On December 10, 2008 The San Francisco Examiner put out a short article emphasizing the importance of keeping children safe on bicycles.

What used to be the job of Municipal Traffic controllers the responsibility has now been handed to the parents of young city riders.