San Francisco has been deemed America’s Best City 2012 by San Francisco’s fellow top 5 cities- Portland, Washington D.C., Seattle and Boston were all ranked based on:
- Leisure Attributes (the number of restaurants, bars, libraries, museums, professional sports teams, and park acres by population)
- Educational Attributes (public school performance, the number of colleges, and rate of graduate-degree holders)
- Economic Factors (income and unemployment)
- Crime
- Air Quality
- Major professional league and minor league teams, as well as U.S.-based teams belonging to international leagues
San Francisco scored as follows:
- 6th in Leisure
- 1st in Education
- Top 20 in Economic Factors (due largely to ‘young techies’ driving up living costs and the large homeless population)
- Top 20 in Air Quality
Here is the description to put in Tourist Brochures:
San Francisco

Rank: 1
Population: 808,854
The City by the Bay, this year’s winner, provides residents with the best blend of entertainment, education, safety, clear air, and a prosperous economic base. As the heart of the Bay Area, San Francisco draws on the prosperity of Silicon Valley and possesses its own diverse history well represented at cultural centers such as the de Young Museum. Residents care fiercely about their cafés and causes; night life flourishes in the Mission and the Castro, while tech companies code away in SoMa.
Bars: 394
Restaurants: 3,430
Museums: 70
Libraries: 52
Pro sports teams: 2
Park acres per 1,000 residents: 7
Colleges: 17
Percent with graduate degree: 16
Median household income: $90,640
Percent unemployed: 7.8