Investment Woes…

San Francisco has some tough choices to make about its investment in transportation over the next 30 years. The numbers are clear. Between now and 2040, the region will receive $64 billion in transportation funds. According to the SF Examiner, “$9 billion has already been locked in to projects, including the Central Subway, the Transbay Transit Center and the Doyle Drive rebuild at the Golden Gate Bridge. Another $51 billion is socked away for routine maintenance and operation services.” That leaves a meager $3.2 billion over 30 years for new projects. To put this in perspective, it is estimated that the City has between $10 billion and $12 billion in needs over the next three decades, leaving the region with a shortfall of about $9 billion.

This shortfall means that the city faces some tough decisions. Does it completely revitalize Muni to bring the system up to the international level at a coat of $3 billion leaving nothing for other projects? Or does it focus on carpool lanes at the expense of separated bike lanes?

The San Francisco County Transportation Authority is asking for input on which projects are most important to citizens. They have set up a website to streamline this input process.


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